Wiser Technology of Tomorrow, Today! Wiser E-Cig
In memory of the Marlboro Men who lost their lives...

             All progress will post here;

'NEW' update on Ron's documentary click here

Contact info; Ronundergroundpro@wisertechnology.info

  Daryl Acumen, Andy don't own Xooplay.com, Shar Jenkins.    

Steve Klemark , Andy Esquivel and Allen Brady @ UTAH
SEC hearing, followed by meeting with A. Sweet!
Shar Jenkins & John Steer will be in Utah
08/15/11 filing charges in Lehi & Davis Co
Against Daryl Acumen and the men from Davis Co, case.

//www.youtube.com/user/BLOGFRAUD to learn more about Daryl Acumen and the three men that  filed false fraud charges. Click here to watch
 50% of our videos that Andy uploaded.

Wiser Technology owners contact Info below; all new emails below. Daryl Acumen & the men 

that filed the false charges, email spammed & slandered all owners Steve, Allen, John etc, 





Ron is filming "Belly of the Beast" documentary.
Contact info; Ronundergroundpro@wisertechnology.info
(Ron also did not want his email out. In fear of being spammed & slandered, Ron's temp email.) 

Wiser technology and Andres Esquivel wish that all parties that suffered damages due to Daryl Acumen's smear campaign against Xtagged, Wiser technology, Karmacause, Wiser e-cig etc, please contact Leonard.