Wiser Technology of Tomorrow, Today! Wiser E-Cig
In memory of the Marlboro Men who lost their lives...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^W11 News Drops^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

*911* NEW: Daryl Acumen has lost it!

U.S.H & Davis Medical
records posted

08. 21. 2014 Wisertechnology & Xtagged civil lawsuits now moving forward!

We were asked by our New York attorney to remove all our evidence at Diigo!

Andy Phipps ...    'Vs'    ... Andy Esquivel

Ryion Butcher: Witness tampering & ordering 01.07.14 court video for Daryl Acumen-  (CLICK HERE)

Davis County forgot to place transportation order for Andy to be at court, judge Connors rescheduled for 08.19.14

On 08.01.14, after a 90 day evaluation at U.S.H. Andy has been found competent to proceed with trial on 08.12.14 at 8:30 am. We will all be there to support Andy Esquivel :)x

You All Ready For Andy X 1/7/14...      
Mr. Lyon ran out of court Oct, 22, 2013 it's   on court record for you all to see!       

**911** Ryion Butcher & Daryl Acumen3(D-x)
tied to MAJOR FELON Melissa Garr


Pretrial 01/07/2014!                       

Judge Connors;)x             

Merry X-mas & Happy Wiser New Year(;)x

x(;3 MONTHS AGO, Mr. Lyon stated he had a lot more wits,
 he lied because XAndyHero & Gandalf were
 NOT on his witness list;)x

  Andy will not let them steal our future!

Claire Davis Passes, Our Condolences      
to her family & friends God Bless.     



Daryl Acumen Busted 12/11/2013;)x 

To: Daryl & co-conspirators its this simple:   
 Xtagged.com filed patent /09/2007 & 

Bump.com filed patent May/20/2010:'(         
Info @ 


=(;)x)= <SmileyHeroes.com>=(x(:)=      


Judge Connors upload D. & Ryion Butcher posted!         

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn          
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie.      

Xtagged Conspiracy Fully Exposed;)x   11/30/2013 ...---> =(x(8)0   


ERB...-> =(x(;)=                           

Rebecca Dunn & Steve Klemark   

went to the F.B.I. Confirmed;)x   

x(;Why isn't Andy's case on Utah news;)x  

 DDD. & Shirley Acumen:'( CLICK HERE;)x

   It's Official ONLY Three Witnesses =x(; 

Hold on wait, if Ryion, Kyle, Chris are the only
 witnesses that means ALBRIGHT should have
had this case dismissed Feb, 26, 2013 that's why Andy filed complaint with Utah State Bar;)x


More info @  =(x(;)=  &  =x(:=     

Join www.KarmaCause.com...--->x(;


   Wiser Eyes-  "100% Justice For All" app  ;-)x


        Coming soon to Google Glass,,, Yeah Right....----> x(;

Wiser Eyes & Google Glasses have facial recognition...

 Which do you think has Racial Recognition;)x 



  WiserAds DVD 42 The Jackie Robinson Story...---> x(;

     "Andy & the internet ain't changing our way of living"

To: Daryl & co-conspirators its this simple:

 Xtagged.com filed patent 11/09/2007 &

Bump.com filed patent May/20/2010:'(

Info @ 


            (We Told You No Investors)
Finally August 07, 2013 Utah prosecutor Lyon tells Judge Connors "I believe... I have given Andy all witnesses/evidence" Only 3 Witnesses  State witnesses Ryion, Kyle & Chris stated "Xtagged scammed hundreds of people"
and many more nasty lies 2008-2013...--->x(;  


7.22.13 Mr. Lyon has NOT released witness list... It proves Xtagged Conspiracy 2008-2013...x(
07.08.2013 prosecutor Lyon & the list will 
eXpose Xtagged.com & WiserTechnology.com  conspiracy ran by Daryl Acumen:'(...

Coming soon "Jobs"

Cyber Crime Will Be Deleted(X)...--->---->(x(;)O

     911-911-911 Daryl & Denise Exposed...--->x(;

Daryl Acumen Tells Utah State Court Judge C. Johnson   To Go F*** Herself As He Posted Again Daryl & Denise   used Utah court system to run Xtagged conspiracy:'(


Read video comments, Daryl posted just 3 days ago &    look at all comments that have now been removed.
Honorable Judge Johnson knew something was wrong and gave Andy 30 extra days to not take plea that corrupt attorney Holje forced Andy to take because he was conspiring with Bountiful's J.C. Ynchausti
Allen Brady told Heidi Hemmat Fox31 everything 2009!    

         Amanda Klemark           Steve Klemark 

                            Rebecca Dunn  


----911---ALERT----------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>May 28 Daryl & co-conspirators attacked Sindy Manzano & Sindy replies back...--->----->------->-------------->----------------->>>---------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x(; Who does Daryl really work for UTAH state police do nothing to this man, because Daryl Will Snitch3(D-[)  


 All Cyber Crime:'( Will Be Deleted(X)...--->---->(x(;)O

@WiserTechnology & Wt. @ LinkedIn...--->---->x(;

                  Mr. Lyon "I DON'T UNDERSTAND

       SmileyHeroes click here...---->----->------->911-NEWS-x(;---...----->--------->--------->------------>-------------->----------------->-------------------->------------------>----------------------->--------------------------->------------------------>x(;


  BOO! I see you Cyber Crime Up, Up & X-AWAYYY->->->->->->->->->->->->->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--->--->--->--->--->--->---->---->----->----->----->----->----->------>------->------->------->------->-------->>>x(;

WANTED! Dr.DDD...3(D-[) -&- Dryion...(8D) 

  ;) x the girl is mine!

WiserAd:)x Approved:-)x SmileyHeroes;)x Love Tinashe;{)x

     First Official Day @ Digital Internet Dna's 

                 Cyber Crime Labs: Truth, Justice & Peace;)x



Among All The Unhappy Internet Data... PHOENIX Was Born:)x

Kids have been waiting 21 years for online SmileyHeroes:)x

DigitalInternetDna.com welcomes web's first crime fighting

Digital Superheroes:)x they delete All Cyber Crime:'( >>>;)x<<<


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^W11 News Drops^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

No Phone Zone,

Over four years ago, Oprah began her ‘No Phone Zone’ campaign and pleaded with the public to join her in banning the use of using cell phones while driving.  Oprah took up the cause after reading about a mother that had lost her daughter as a result of someone that was using a cell phone while driving. The young girl was 9 year old Erica Forney of Ft. Collins, Colorado who was riding her bike in a residential area when hit by a 2003 Ford Expedition that drifted into the bicycle lane.


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 6000 people died in 2008 as a result of distracted driving.  I cannot begin to tell you of the near misses that I have experienced that could have been fatal from people being distracted while texting or talking on their cell phone while driving.  In April of this year, Oprah was successful in getting at least 30 states to participate in her “No Phone Zone” campaign.  These states agreed to use social media, variable message signs along highways and traditional media to get the message out.  The effort is supported by the U.S. Department of Transportation, GHSA, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Focus Driven, and SADD (Students against Destructive Decisions).


The April 2010 issue of PC World praised Oprah for her efforts.  The article read “To really encourage people not to use their phone while driving, we need better technology.  The auto industry needs to make Bluetooth integration and voice activation standard, not optional, and phone makers need to work with them to make it as easy as possible for all users.”


Wiser Technology is pleased to announce that we have included a No Phone Zone as part of our Wiser NPZ application as a gift to Oprah!  The application will be dedicated to Erica Forney in hopes that it will not only honor her brief time here on earth; but, it will serve as a constant reminder of how fatal using a cell phone while driving can be.  We are in the process of speaking with different state and federal organization for endorsement.  Stay turned for more information!!!

How the Application Works Just click it!


Happy Labor Day
, come get your free $100 Karma Credit & get
a taste of Karma, and Colorado!

Wiser Technology Under construction! Next stop, WiserVille!                         
CO, sign Guest book & receive digital freebie Buzz/Wiser!

Lakewood Chiropractic Offices

1296 Wadsworth Blvd

Denver, CO 80214

(303) 233-5656

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